Victor is a visionary, results-oriented businessman, and massive action taker – who is driven by his faith, purpose and belief systems – which include his desire to leave a lasting legacy and positive impact in the lives of his loved ones and in the world.
The birth of ZIROW INVEST (ZI) came about because of his passion for helping everyday people to accomplish financial freedom and his understanding that a lot of good working class people have always wanted to invest in real estate, but just didn’t know where to go or start. Victor provides a fully streamlined and passive investing solution for investors who have been able to do well for themselves financially but believe they can do even better, given the right investment opportunities
His personal mission statement is: to be an inspiration to the world, to empower people to pursue their passions, embrace their journey, and follow their dreams.
If creating generational wealth & financial freedom through real estate investing is something that you’re interested in, the go ahead and schedule a consultation with Victor today.